
Showing posts from 2011

Protagonists & Antagonists

I don't really follow telenovelas. Sometimes I watch the beginning part but I never really get to finish them because the story ends up being too typical or the plot just suddenly gives me goosebumps (in a bad way) and I'd just cringe at how it all ends up to be. But the formula of a good telenovela in the Philippines is having a saintly protagonist who has all the good characteristics in the world but somehow always manages to absorb all the bad luck the world has to offer. He/she is preferably poor who will someday end up to be someone else's rich son/daughter. A good antagonist (in the Philly) has no good features at all, has nothing but evil schemes in his/her mind and wears really bright red lipstick (if female) or really lousy goatee (if male). They also have goons who happen to wear leather jackets all the time.  The protagonist always ends up rich or married while the antagonist ends up either dead, in prison or poor.  Now let's talk about Glee. I'm no

Stranded for too long

When all that stares back at you is a blank page and a blinking cursor, And the only voice you hear in the room other than your own cursing, is the dj on the radio Talking about love problems and giving out advice and shit as if they knew everything, When you lay in bed with nothing beside you but the clothes you wore the other week, And the floor is just a sea of shoes and trash and dust and accumulated hair, When the cobwebs grow thicker and you can barely see your reflection on the smudged mirror, When luggage from the other year’s travel remains unpacked for months, And everywhere is where it used to be when it shouldn’t be there anymore When you have actually managed to make time stop… You look around you long and hard enough to realize you’re inside a fucking aquarium Located inside one big museum And you see yourself outside, staring at you inside And you ask yourself, where do you want to be?  Photo Credits:

The (insert company name) Curse

I have been working at the same place for almost four years now. Since there's only less than 20 employees here, practically all our life stories are open books already. For the sake of easier blogging, I shall call our company "Company X". Lately, me and my colleagues have been joking about the so-called Company X Curse. Work in Company X and its almost always guaranteed that you'd lose a girl/boyfriend. Why?  For starters, its the odd working hours. Nope, I do not work in a call center. But I do remember my boss telling me though that all of us here are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Because of our unpredictable schedules, many personal plans (READ: Dates) get postponed or cancelled.  There was one time that I spent Valentine's Day sleeping at the office floor together with one other officemate because our work finished at 2 in the morning.  And so because of this, we end up spending more time with each other than with our significant others. A col