The (insert company name) Curse

I have been working at the same place for almost four years now. Since there's only less than 20 employees here, practically all our life stories are open books already. For the sake of easier blogging, I shall call our company "Company X".

Lately, me and my colleagues have been joking about the so-called Company X Curse. Work in Company X and its almost always guaranteed that you'd lose a girl/boyfriend. Why? 

For starters, its the odd working hours. Nope, I do not work in a call center. But I do remember my boss telling me though that all of us here are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Because of our unpredictable schedules, many personal plans (READ: Dates) get postponed or cancelled. 

There was one time that I spent Valentine's Day sleeping at the office floor together with one other officemate because our work finished at 2 in the morning. 

And so because of this, we end up spending more time with each other than with our significant others. A colleague just recently broke up with her significant other because of this too...well work is not the main reason but it definitely is one of the reasons. 

Our officemate's girlfriend broke up with him one time because she saw Friendster pictures of her boyfriend with us -- his female officemates. 

One factor would also definitely have to be the camaraderie that we have developed at the company. You see, Company X is like one big family. We live under one roof (well, for 8-10 hours at least), we share meals, we borrow money from each other, we fight, we shout at each other and before you know it we're slapping each other's faces while shaking in uncontrollable laughter. (True Story) 

Because of this, we tend to enjoy each other's company too much that the forsaken girlfriends and boyfriends end up jealous and mad at Company X. 

"Pakasli nalang na imong trabaho!" is a very common thing we hear from them and well, since we're still here, we're already probably married to our work already. 

In my four years in Company X, I already know of 6 employees who broke up with their significant others and 2 employees who almost lost their partners too because of work. 

Okay so maybe it wasn't really because of Company X.

But one thing I know for sure, whenever one of our colleagues go through a break-up, Company X automatically becomes the rebound. The healing becomes easier and the pain becomes bearable because we know that the moment we step inside the Company X office looking like shit, our officemates will automatically come to the rescue and join you in celebrating the so-called Company X curse. 

But don't get me wrong, we also celebrate each other's victories and success (love) stories. So the Company X Curse -- A Myth or A Reality? I guess it doesn't matter. I think the important thing here is knowing that this so called curse can also turn out to be a blessing.



  1. Nice one, geng. I got a Company X trivia. On Employee X, on the other hand, you're very lucky for having such great crazy friends (I did had some good laughs with you during internship). Everything will be fine, I'm a silent listener through Twitter. :-)

  2. Weeee thanks! Okay so you were an intern before here at Company X?

  3. Okay I know who you are na. hahaha \m/

  4. Whoa, whoa! is this true Manzky?

  5. Hey Pidong! :) Sort of, kind of but not really. If you know what I mean. hehehe

  6. Hey Pidong! :) Sort of, kind of but not really. If you know what I mean. hehehe


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