
Showing posts from 2012

25 Things You Need to Know When Living Alone in a Third World Country

In order for me to be credible in this subject, let me give you a brief background about my experience on this topic. I went to boarding school when I was 12 years old. Well boarding school sounds too fancy, but it was basically me, living in a dorm located inside an all-girl school. I did not have relatives in that area, I had no cellphone and my allowance was more or less Php 500.00 a week. My only connection to my family who were miles away was through a payphone where I’d dial 109 and make collect calls. I stayed there for 4 years.  In college, I transferred to another city, this time much further from my parents. I stayed in a dormitory outside of the school this time. Then transferred to a less strict dorm (READ: Not run by nuns). After graduation, I decided to work in that same city where I live until now. Currently, I rent a little studio space which I lovingly call the P-hut, short for Pizza Hut because for some strange reason, my room is shaped like a triangl

ZEROED (I Don’t Know How I Got Myself Into This But I’m Glad It Happened)

CHAPTER 1: Paper, pen, guitar “Geng check your mail. I finished a song.” It was recorded via a regular audio recorder so it was really raw and I may even have heard a dog barking in the background. But I was excited. It was the first song that she finished writing after almost a year’s hiatus. While listening to the first part, I was like…oh it’s a happy song. And then she sang the first line. “Hello tears, you’re back so soon.” This song eventually became Track # 5 in the album 0:00:00. It’s not every day that I get to witness an album unfold before my very eyes. And that’s why I am thankful for those seemingly mundane events that led me to become part of 22 Tango Records – a registered independent record label created by Cebuana singer and songwriter Cattski Espina. I first heard Hello Tears about 2 years ago. We knew she was going to make a fourth album but we didn’t know when it would happen. We were working on other projects that time a

Wanted: Female Friends

Before you judge me based on the title of the post (if anyone even reads this at all), let me just say that I do have some close female friends, but they're: A. Spread all over the country B. Married C. Eccentric Geniuses. I'm not complaining. I love all of them dearly. I tell them important things about my life and I get to talk to them every once in a while. On a regular basis, however, I hang out with four computer geniuses and video-game loving straight guys. We'd meet in a coffee shop, and I'd listen to them talk about video games, the latest viral post on reddit, North Korea, gym and whatever topic that fancies them at that moment. We'd have a couple of drinks and we'd also talk about life and stuff that I can relate to and bicker about religion and analyze each others' mannerisms and habits, watch How I Met Your Mother together and what-not. I'd go on out of town trips with them and it would be fun and fine and I'd feel like their pr