Wanted: Female Friends

Before you judge me based on the title of the post (if anyone even reads this at all), let me just say that I do have some close female friends, but they're: A. Spread all over the country B. Married C. Eccentric Geniuses.

I'm not complaining. I love all of them dearly. I tell them important things about my life and I get to talk to them every once in a while.

On a regular basis, however, I hang out with four computer geniuses and video-game loving straight guys. We'd meet in a coffee shop, and I'd listen to them talk about video games, the latest viral post on reddit, North Korea, gym and whatever topic that fancies them at that moment.

We'd have a couple of drinks and we'd also talk about life and stuff that I can relate to and bicker about religion and analyze each others' mannerisms and habits, watch How I Met Your Mother together and what-not. I'd go on out of town trips with them and it would be fun and fine and I'd feel like their princess or their mother, depending on the situation.

But when they get into their BOYS ONLY zone (say when they start talking about Diablo for hours), I tune out and fall asleep on a healing couch or just simply go home. I understand them though. Of course they have to have that. Its who they are.

And then I start to ask myself, why not hang out with girls on a regular basis?

I'm 26 years old and I admit it's kind of pathetic to have this realization at this age. It's just that, I've always been one of the guys before and I've been very comfortable with that. So why the sudden "craving" for that female bonding?

I started watching Sex & the City.

Yes, it's already 2012 and have only started watching the series (beginning with the first season) this month. The next few lines I'm about to type may be considered shallow and stereotypical but this post is as honest as it gets...

I would want to have girls' night outs ordering cocktails like Cosmopolitans and Martinis compared to the usual Red Horse and Tanduay that I drink when I'm with the boys.

I'd want to dress up and go crazy over a pair of shoes instead of my current footwear collection, 60% of which are Havaianas flip flops.

I want someone to teach me how to put on an eyeliner properly. Or how to even put on make-up at all. (I don't wear make-up, by the way)

I want to be able to cry and share a tub of ice cream with girlfriends. I tell my guy friends what bothers me and all I get is a "Don't worry about it" statement, which I appreciate truly...but sometimes, a girl's gotta rant, right?

I'm not really a girl's girl --- whatever that means and by wanting these things it doesn't mean that I want to change who I am. What I'm trying to say is, I want to experience that too. Maybe it would be good for me.

This also doesn't mean that I want to stop hanging out with the guys. I love those nerds to bits even if I sometimes have the urge to strangle them.

So there. #TwoofmyfavoritewordstotypewhenIdonotknowhowtoendapost


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