25 Things You Need to Know When Living Alone in a Third World Country

In order for me to be credible in this subject, let me give you a brief background about my experience on this topic.

I went to boarding school when I was 12 years old. Well boarding school sounds too fancy, but it was basically me, living in a dorm located inside an all-girl school. I did not have relatives in that area, I had no cellphone and my allowance was more or less Php 500.00 a week. My only connection to my family who were miles away was through a payphone where I’d dial 109 and make collect calls. I stayed there for 4 years. 

In college, I transferred to another city, this time much further from my parents. I stayed in a dormitory outside of the school this time. Then transferred to a less strict dorm (READ: Not run by nuns). After graduation, I decided to work in that same city where I live until now.

Currently, I rent a little studio space which I lovingly call the P-hut, short for Pizza Hut because for some strange reason, my room is shaped like a triangle. I pay rent, I have electric and water bills, and yes, I do my own laundry sometimes.

So here’s a list---tips, if you may—for people who are starting to live independently. I’m doing this because recently, my friends have decided to get out of their comfort zone and live independently.

1.        Always have a supply of drinking water. I cannot count the times when I’d wake up in the middle of night with a throat so dry I could actually hear a sound when my tongue scratches the surface, and there is no drinking water in sight. Well this is also probably due to me being overly confident that this would never happen since I’ve already drunk water in the office. Stupid logic, I know. So just learn from my mistakes, okay? Pro tip on this: water never expires (or so I think), so whenever you order mineral water from a restaurant, bring it home if you cannot finish it. It will literally save your life one of these days.

2.    Hooks are your friends. I don’t care how ugly my walls would look like. I have always screwed hooks in to my wall where I could hang my mirror, my pants, my necklaces, my bags, my belts…etc. 

3.      Music and movies will help keep you sane. There will be times when loneliness will consume you and it gets a little depressing. This is where my emergency folder of movies come in handy. Music also makes chores easier. I’d love singing along to my favorite artists while sweeping the floor, changing my sheets or washing my underwear. 

4.       Curtains are a must. You don’t want people to see you while you are dressing up, do you? Also it filters the sunlight in the morning. Unless you love being awakened by the harsh ray of the sun, in which case, you may disregard this.

5.       Bed sheets given as gifts are highly appreciated. They are, honestly. 

6.       Lighting is important. Every pad/apartment/studio has the basic fluorescent lights or what have you. But having a lamp that could set the ambience to help make your place a bit cozier wouldn’t hurt. Go for the orange and blue hues.   It could also serve as interesting conversation pieces. Go for the unique ones. Your trusty department stores usually have one or two – and they range from Php200.00 to Php700.00. 

7.       Incense or any form of air freshener makes a whole lot of difference. It’s pleasant coming home to a place that smells good. There’s plenty of that in the groceries or home shopping centers.

8.       Instant noodles, no matter how sick you get of them, will save your life one of these days. Which leads me to number 9.

9.       Have a water heater. You can use it for coffee, for noodles, for hot baths if you don’t have hot and cold shower or for hot compress when you get injured. 

10.   Piggy banks are important. I don’t care if you put P1.00 coins there. As long as you put something. Do not ever touch this unless it’s an absolute emergency. This has saved my ass several times already. But I won’t get into details. :D

11.   No matter how good your electricity provider is, we are still living in the Philippines. You WILL encounter a brownout. Always have a stock of matches and candles. Emergency lights are also very useful. I have one that is a fan, flashlight and lamp in one. Plus it’s rechargeable. Go to Chinese stores. They will have one. China has figured out basically everything you need in life. True story.

12.   Have reading materials in your place. Books, magazines, brochures, I don’t care. It is essential. Promise. Plus your guests will think you’re smart. 

13.   Make sure you have a wall clock, or just a clock in general that you can see from any angle of your place. Don’t just trust your cellphone for the time. You won’t carry it with you everywhere.

14.   Muriatic Acid is awesome. Watch the grime fade into smokes as you pour some into it. Just please, for the life of me, make sure you don’t inhale too much of it or let it touch your skin. If it does touch your skin, wash it with water immediately. I’m serious.

15.   Lock and double lock. You can never be too safe.

16.   Speaking of locks, always have a spare key to your place. Leave it in your office, or in a really close friend’s house. This will come in handy when you lock yourself out. This has already happened to me too. Several times. 

17.   Owning an iron is very helpful. You have no idea how many times I went into an event with shamefully wrinkled clothes. I still don’t own one, but I plan to. Soon. Shit maybe I should get one tomorrow. 

18.   All sorts of organizers--- for your accessories, shoes, toiletries and other knick knacks, can keep everything in order. Please have a couple of this.

19.   Get a hamper. I mean seriously, do you want your dirty clothes on the floor?

20.   Stock up on toiletries. Especially sanitary pads, for girls that is.

21.   Have a medicine kit. Paracetamol, Advil, Ponstan---this will help you get through intense cases of sickness when you don’t have the energy to get up and buy medicine. 

22.   Have a sewing kit. Avoid wardrobe malfunction. 

23.   Alcohol…and any form of disinfectant should be a staple in your place.

24.   Pay your bills on time. You don’t want your water supply to get cut on Valentine’s day and swallow your pride by taking a bath in your neighbor’s bathroom. This is not necessarily a true story, and may or may not have happened to me. 

25.   Lastly, make sure you have emergency numbers ready when something comes up. Remember, you live alone now. It’s best to have someone to call ASAP when you feel that you are about to die. Figuratively and literally.


  1. http://ambipur.govasool.com
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