Dear Younger Self, Guess What? We're Blogging Again!

Hello. :)

I am resurrecting this blog because I just realized that I still find blogging fun. This won't be a niche blog though, like I won't be specifically talking about fashion or travel or food. Though I might at some point talk about those three topics.

I do have a niche blog, Papa Do Preach, and I talk about my faith journey there. If you're down for topics on faith, being a Christian, searching for personal encounters with God, then feel free to check it out.

If not, we're good, we're good. Stay here then.

So this particular blog post will be about me, responding to my old blog posts. Haha. I read through some of them and while some of them made me cringe (I have articles here written as early as 2010), most of them actually made me proud of my younger self. Like, I feel I even wrote better then. So here we go.

1. Manna, age 27:
On How To Let Go of My Flip-Flops and my Twenties (July 22, 2013)

Me in my twenties, with my Zezzie Gwen who is now married with two kids and a third one on the way

First of all...Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

DAYUM 27 year old self, your issues were too funny!

Okay first off, you'd be pleased to know that we only wear flip flops at home or at the beach now. We own at least 6 pairs of high heeled shoes (from zero to six! not bad yeah?), and a couple of sneakers. So we've changed substantially, but we still managed to maintain who we are at the core. Haha

Also, dear, we're 32 now. I know, I know I'm sorry I'm not exactly who you pictured me out to be. But you'd be pleased to know that slowing down and being present comes naturally when you get to your 30s. A bunch of other things slow down too, like our metabolism and our ability to consume alcohol. Also, you don't like staying up late now, but you love waking up extremely early. We try to keep fit, jog whenever we can and eat healthy. We love salad, yay! But we also still love pasta very much.

And guess what? You drink black coffee! No sugar, no cream. Yup that came in your late 20s though. I think when you got to 28-ish or 29.

We're no longer the youngest at the workplace, that's true. But, we're the youngest in the management team, so that counts, right? I mean, we got to managerial level at age 29 so that can't be too bad? You didn't have to worry so much about our career. You did well. You did great. We are here now because of the things that you experienced then. Ei, I am actually proud of you.

On the topic of age appropriate clothing, you know what I think we have nailed that! Our closet is now filled with corporate clothes and cocktail dresses and gowns for every hotel occasion. But I have a secret to tell you. If you wanted to look more mature before, we want to look younger now. Haha. Yes. It happens. It does. Let's just be real. So nowadays, we're super happy when we get to wear shirts, jeans and sneakers. Or even shorts and summer tops.

Point is, we didn't turn out so bad. There are still things that I wish we have now at this age. But it's enough to know that He makes all things beautiful in His time. Faith - one good thing we have now too. This, you'd definitely be proud of.

*Hugs* 27 year old, Manna. We did okay.

2. Manna, age 26:
Wanted: Female Friends (May 27, 2012)

One of the Bros

Oh this is gonna be fun. :D

Okay, an update on your nerd herd first. Two of them are married, one has a kid, one is shacked up with his girlfriend, and the other one also now has a girlfriend with blue hair. You, however, are still single. So despite their being nerds, they still get to win in life. Haha. Ouch.

"I would want to have girls' nights out ordering cocktails like Cosmopolitans and Martinis compared to the usual Red Horse and Tanduay that I drink when I'm with the boys."

You still don't drink martinis and cosmopolitans BUT you love mojitos, wine, and lemon beer. So I guess that is okay. Also, you can't stand Red Horse now. Like 1 stallion gives you a horrible hangover the next day.

"I'd want to dress up and go crazy over a pair of shoes instead of my current footwear collection, 60% of which are Havaianas flip flops."

Already talked about this. Check.

"I want someone to teach me how to put on eyeliner properly. Or  how to even put on make-up at all. (I don't wear make-up, by the way.)"

Giiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrl! It took us 31 years to learn to put on eyeliner properly but we got there and we're kind of a pro at it. JK. No we're not. But we are decent. And we had a make-up crazy phase where we just kept watching make-up tutorials! We also kept buying make-up. But we've stopped now, thank heavens. Long story short, you have three bags of make-up and you have done make-up for other people thrice now. *pats shoulder*

"I want to be able to cry and share a tub of ice cream with girlfriends."

Ha. Ha. Ha. Nope. We never did this. Don't think we ever will. We still cry in secret. Also beer still. Beer is our crying buddy.

But we do have female friends now. We have coffee with them. They gift us with make-up and other girly things. Also we're closer now to our titas! They give us clothes and accessories and we talk about shopping. A lot.

Look at you at 32, girrrrl! Haha 

However our truth really is, we're still much closer to bros. As the female friends came, more male friends came as well. And we're just really comfortable with them because we are one of the boys. And guess what, there's nothing wrong with that. :)

3. Manna, living situation at age 26:
25 Things You Need To Know When Living Alone In A Third World Country (October 19, 2012)

Yup, living quarters at age 26

Ah...the legendary P-Hut. I have such fond memories of that triangular shaped studio I rented for a good year and a half. I remember transferring there from a fully furnished boarding house so I owned zero furniture. My first month was spent living there like someone in an evacuation center, sleeping on the floor with clothes in my bag. I had to wait for a few pay days so I could finally buy a cabinet and a bed.

Let's talk about that bed. Okay, so it's a 27-inch wide bed which belonged to my neighbor's kid that was sold to me at Php 500. I kept that with me for 7 years until just very recently when one of my bff's basically forced me to buy a proper adult bed. When I slept on it the first night, I immediately realized what I have been missing for the past 7 years - space and a firm foam. Oh the wonders it did for my back and for my sleep.

Dear, we sound like a true tita. But IT IS WHAT IT IS. It's happening and there's no way to stop it.

But you know what else came with aging? A 2-bedroom apartment with a living room, dining room, and a full functioning kitchen! Cooking skills came with it too - you can actually cook a proper meal now. And you have a fridge! A dying one but it keeps your water cold! Can you imagine living all those years with no cold water at 2AM?

We enjoy going to the home section of department stores nowadays and actually enjoy buying curtains and sheets. We have a shelf with books, a study table, a dresser - giiiiirl our days of shoebox living are gone!

You have a Reading Nook! 

I mean, it's not crazy amazing. It's not huge. It's not luxurious. You pay 4 utility bills plus rent monthly. But it's no longer just a tiny little space with no sink. Also you live with your sister now. That was tricky at first. I mean, we've been used to living alone for 15 years and then all of a sudden another human being was already sharing a space with you! There were adjustments, sure. But at the end of the day, it's also nice coming home to someone who shares the same DNA as you.


Wow that was a fun activity.

While I do not belittle the issues and problems that I had during my younger days, looking back just made me realize that there really will come a time when these things just won't bother me anymore. I love seeing how I've grown but at the same time seeing that my core is still somewhat the same. Some things remain true for me and some things remain to be difficult.

But it has been a beautiful, messy, event-full ride and I'm happy that while I'm still not cruisin' through life at 32, I'm alive, healthy, and generally okay.

Being Real At Niccolo Chongqing


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