I miss it.

It was actually my dad's idea. I was walking in and out of the different rooms in the house. Restless.

"I'm bored." I told my dad. I've been on vacation for only 4 days and yet I miss being busy again. I have been looking forward to this break for months and now that it's here, all I could say is "I'm bored."

"Why don't you write? You do that all the time."

Okay here we go again. Yeah I used to do that all the time. Hai. So I opened my old multiply blog and once again read my posts. I remembered how it felt...The excitement.The simple high that I get from being able to express something. The giddy feeling whenever there's  a notification that says 1 Comment received.

I miss having to hurry to the computer and typing furiously as I tell whoever out there's reading what happened to my day. I miss telling stories and reading stories.

I miss "writing my heart out" and not even care what other people would say. Heck I miss writing and not be conscious about my grammar!

So yeah, that's just basically what this post is about. I miss it.

Because lately my heart has been telling me loads of stuff, and I have been ignoring her. She has been telling me to write about this and that...and for some reason I just look for an excuse not to do it. And I don't even know why and for me that's just plain BS because really WHO CARES? Right?

So now I'm writing about this. And maybe next time I'll come up with another post that says I still miss it---until I actually do something about it -- stop saying that I miss it and actually just get back to doing it because "Langga, walay labot ang mga taw unsa imong isuwat  dinhi!"


Merry Christmas. \m/


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